Wednesday 19 June 2013

Spring Barley

Spring Barley

  • 1. Importance – Most widely grown cereal either for feeding or malting.
    2. Soil Type – Brown earths and grey brown pozolics. Deep sandy loams. pH 6.5 – 7. Dry weather for harvest.
    3. Seed Bed Preparation – plough in autumn to improve structure and harrow in spring to produce a fine seedbed.
    4. Seed – use Dept. of Ag. Certified seed choosing variety from Recommended List to ensure good crop e.g. Quench
    5. Sowing – sow as early as weather permits (March) with combine drill at a rate of 125-140kg/ha. Tillering will ensure 900 ears/m2. Roll seedbed.
    6. Use of Fertiliser – Apply a compound such as 10:10:20 with combine drill. N requirement depends on previous cropping history, soil type, rainfall and variety. P and K requirement depends on soil test.
    7. Disease & Pest Control – wireworms and smut are controlled by seed treatment. Mildew, rust and BYDV can be controlled by spraying crop (e.g. of spray = Bravo). Crop rotation and certified seed will reduce risk of attack.
    8. Weed Control – Weeds compete for moisture and nutrients and seeds can contaminate grain. Use crop rotation and stubble cleaning. Identify weed and use selective herbicide. Spray early when weed soft.
    9. Harvesting – Harvest when grain is dry and hard and moisture content is as low as possible. Straw dry and bleached and ear lies parallel to stem (usually August). Use combine harvester with all parts set correctly to minimise losses. Good yield 7-8 t/ha.
    10. Storage – Main source of damage is sprouting and attack by bacteria, fungi and insects. Dry the grain to 14% moisture to stop the above. Where grain is kept for feeding on farm use acid treatment which kills grain to prevent germination and stops bacterial attack.

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